How we worshipWorship is more than a once-a-week event. We believe worship is something we do every day, with our whole lives.
When we meet on Sundays, we worship God through singing and through sharing our concerns and joys with each other. We worship Him by praying together, sometimes at the altar where we encourage one another with our presence and sometimes from where we are sitting within the building. Although we do not pass offering plates during the service, we worship God through giving (we have offering baskets located at the back of the sanctuary, as well as online giving). And we worship God through His Word, the Bible, as we listen to and apply its teachings to our lives. When we leave the sanctuary on Sunday mornings, our worship of God is really just beginning. |
What we wear
We want people to be comfortable in what they wear, so you may see someone in a shirt and tie or in cutoffs and flip flops.
Don't be afraid to wear what you want! |